Andy Zou
High-energy Wushu athlete with close to a decade in training and experienced in coaching who aims to inspire athletes to do their best. Competed in both domestic and international competitions at a high level with dozens of placements.
Andy Zou
Los Angeles International Wushu Tournament 2013
Gold performance: long fist
Gold performance: broadsword
Los Angeles International Wushu Tournament 2014
Gold performance: long fist
Gold performance: broadsword
Silver placement: staff
International Chinese Martial Arts Competition 2014
Gold performance: long fist
Gold performance: broadsword
Gold performance: staff
Los Angeles International Wushu Tournament 2015
Gold performance: broadsword
Gold performance: Staff
Bronze placement: long fist
Male Teens Advance Category Grand Champion
Chinese Martial Arts Tournament 2015
Gold performance: long fist
Silver placement: broadsword
Silver placement: staff
International Chinese Martial Arts Competition 2016
Gold performance: long fist
Gold performance: broadsword
Gold performance: staff
United States National Wushu Team February 10, 2019
Los Angeles International Wushu Tournament 2019
Gold performance: long fist
Gold performance: broadsword
Gold performance: BaJi
8th World KungFu Championships 2019
Bronze placement: double broadsword
Bronze placement: BaJi
3rd PAN American Kungfu Taijiquan Championship 2019
Gold performance: double broadsword (International)
Gold performance: BaJi (International)